Sunday, June 12, 2011

Shanghai Book City and on to Hangzhou

We did some shopping for Chinese books in Shanghai.  I was able to get some CSL (Chinese Sign Language) books for other families with deaf Chinese children in the US.  We also got some Chinese language material for our girls.  All this was at the largest and our favorite book store in Shanghai; Shanghai Book City.
After navigating the Shanghai Train Station (with a multitude of stairs) we caught a bullet train to Hangzhou.  They did have escalators when going up more than a few stairs so it was fine.  It was a great ride and we got to see some of the countryside.

Naomi will become part our family tomorrow morning!!!  We can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you guys. I found this passage from Schindler's list, the movie. Edward is not the only one who can quote movies. It's what I think about when I see you two rescuing live from almost certain desperation/degradation.Blessings. You are making me an Uncle many more times than would ever happen to me in my natural life. Hope you can read this link.
